
- JG-L Video's & Books -

At long last I've gotten around to doing something about the various bits of video and books that I've been fortunate enough to have published over the years. Here's the dedicated set of page for all of the clips, trailers and free stuff, as well as a continually up-dated list of the bvooks I've had published. More will soon be added.


Page-001 - JG-L Books, Etc.

Page-002 - Video 001 - JG-L in The Creature & Stills

Page-003 - Video 002 - Angel in The Creature (1) & Stills

Page-004 - Video 003 - Angel in The Creature (2) & Stills

Page-005 - Video 004 -

Page-006 - Video 005 -

Page-007 - Video 006 -

Page-008 - Video 007 -

Page-009 - Video 008 -

Page-010 - Video 009 -

Page-011 - Video 010 -
